Ohio's Learning Standards for Computer Science

Ohio educators, in partnership with Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, drove the process to create Ohio’s Learning Standards for Computer Science. The standards and model curriculum reflect instruction already taking place in many of Ohio’s classrooms and will provide guidance to schools and districts.

Additionally, the Department will continue to create instructional strategies and will provide resources to help educators learn about and begin using the revised standards.

Districts are not mandated to include these standards in any school offerings or to provide a curriculum that addresses these standards.

Ohio's Learning Standards for Computer Science (adopted 2022)

Ohio law mandated a revision to Ohio’s Learning Standards for Computer Science. Ohio educators and stakeholders helped in the revision in Jan. 2021. The revised standards were adopted by the Ohio State Board of Education in July 2022.

2022 K-12 Learning STandards for Computer Science

Ohio’s Learning Standards for Computer Science

2022 Kindergarten - Grade 8 Standards by Grade Level

2022 High School Standards by Foundational and Advanced Level


Last Modified: 8/9/2024 9:39:22 AM