Course Credit
Courses offered through Literacy on Demand do not generate continuing education credits or contact hours through the Ohio Department of Education. Some schools or districts, however, may offer credit. Contact your Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to learn more.
Course Tracking
Literacy On Demand courses are meant to be quick, helpful resources that can be used at any time. No sign-in is required, and educators can revisit them at any time. The Department does not track educator learning or course progression for Literacy On Demand courses. Each course has a downloadable course companion that can be used to take notes or answer reflection questions. This also can be used to record stopping points when courses can’t be completed in one sitting.
Course Content
The Department welcomes suggestions for future Literacy On Demand courses and feedback on current courses. Course feedback can be provided through the short survey contained on each lesson. Educators also can share resources.
Any mention of a product or resource in these courses shall not be considered an endorsement by the Department.
New Courses
Periodically these webpages will be updated to include additional courses. The Department will communicate these updates through EdConnection and its social media channels. New course ideas can be submitted to