CCP Teacher Credentialing Grant Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
Grant Application Process
Priority Tiers and Consortia
Funding Information
General Information
What are the qualifications to teach college courses under the College Credit Plus program?
High school teachers wishing to teach college courses in the College Credit Plus program must be approved as an adjunct instructor by the college or university granting the college credit. In general, requirements to teach general education courses include a master’s degree in the discipline or a master’s plus 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline. Colleges and universities may require additional credentials depending on the subject area.
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Are teachers required to attend the particular university to take graduate courses their district is partnering with in the grant application?
Yes, the Institution of Higher Education you partner with to form a consortium will need to be where your teachers take the graduate courses. If they were to take courses at another institution, that would fall outside of the approved grant awarded.
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Is it very common for a student from high school/district A to take CCP courses at neighboring school district B?
Students may take CCP courses offered by credentialed high school teachers in a neighboring school district. The student's home school district should report the course for payment, rather than the school where the student participates in a CCP course. This option may allow schools in a consortium to strategically support students while their teachers are in the process of completing graduate coursework. However, this is not a long-term solution, as students may also take the course on the college campus or online. The goal of the Teacher Credentialing Grant is to expand course offerings in the high school buildings that currently have little to no CCP courses instructed by credentialed high school teachers.
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Are out-of-state institutions eligible to credential high school teachers for the purposes of this grant?
No, grant funding language requires that courses must be taken with “a public or private college or university located in Ohio”.
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Grant Application Process
Can teachers apply for this grant?
No, eligible applicants are school districts, community schools, STEM schools, joint vocational school districts, state institutions of higher education, private nonprofit institutions, charted nonpublic schools, and educational service centers or nonprofit entities in which education is the primary mission and is under a contract with any of the entities outlined previously.
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Do I have to collaborate with other entities to apply for this grant?
No, a single entity may be the sole applicant. However, priority will be given to educational consortia that include Tier 1 and 2 districts or schools. Consortia are defined as educational partnerships and regional collaborations and are comprised of more than one eligible entity.
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If my ESC is applying for a grant, should my individual school apply as well?
No, you should not apply separately. You should work together to form a consortium and apply together.
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Can more than one ESC collaborate on one application?
Yes, collaboration is encouraged.
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Could a consortium of school districts apply without an official secondary school or Institution of Higher Education partner(s) in the grant?
No, collaboration with an Institution of Higher Education or secondary school is necessary to ensure teachers become credentialed to teach College Credit Plus courses.
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Priority Tiers and Consortia
If my district was not identified as a priority district, should I still apply for this grant opportunity?
Yes, any LEA is eligible to apply directly, or to apply as a part of a consortium. Consortia that apply with priority districts will receive additional points, but all schools are eligible as a part of an application.
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Can ESCs be a part of a consortium?
Yes, ESCs can be the sole applicant for this grant or can collaborate to join a consortium.
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Will I have a better chance of being awarded a grant if I collaborate with Tier 1 & Tier 2 schools?
Yes, applicants will receive up to 10 priority points for supporting these schools through proposed programming.
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If an ESC applies and their schools are a mix of all 3 tiers, how does that get scored?
If a Tier 1 or Tier 2 school is involved in the application, priority points will be awarded. Please see the rubric in Request for Applications for more information.
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Will the number of teachers participating in the proposed programming have an impact on the scoring of a grant application?
No, the number of teachers participating will not have a direct impact on scoring. However, number of students served will play a factor in scoring. This being said, the number of teachers participating should adequately cover the student need.
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Can an applicant partner with more than one Institution of Higher Education?
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Funding Information
Are entities able to pay teacher stipends with these funds?
No, that is not an allowable use of funds for this grant.
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Can funds be used to support teachers who work for nonpublic schools?
Yes, but no priority points will be awarded for applications supporting nonpublic schools.
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How long with these grant funds be available to grantees?
Grantees will receive funds in January 2025. Grantees will be able to obligate these funds through June 30, 2029, and liquidate funds by September 30, 2029.
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Will the applicant or teacher be responsible for paying for the courses up front and then being reimbursed through the grant?
The grantee will be the one receiving reimbursement for the cost of the courses. The grantee can choose to pay the tuition and request reimbursement from the state, or have the teacher pay the tuition, submit the paperwork to the lead application request reimbursement from the state.
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Could a fiscal agent apply and promote the availability of scholarships for graduate coursework and then reimburse students who complete graduate coursework during the grant period?
Yes, they would need to indicate in the application who the partner is and what the process will be in getting teachers graduate credits.
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Last Modified: 12/31/2024 7:23:56 AM