Career Experience and Technical Skill

To complete this alternative demonstration of competency, students must complete two of the options from the below list of seven, at least one of which must be a foundational option. 

General Requirements  

Foundational Options 

  1. Earn a cumulative score of proficient or higher on three or more WebXams in a single career pathway;  
  2. Earn a 12-point approved industry-recognized credential or group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field;  
  3. Complete a pre-apprenticeship program, which program should be recognized by the Ohio State Apprentice Council (OSAC), complete an OSAC registered apprenticeship in the student’s chosen career field, or show evidence of acceptance into an OSAC registered apprenticeship program after high school if the program requires a student to be 18 years of age or older. 
  4. Obtain a state-issued license for practice in a vocation that requires an examination. 

Supporting Options  

  1. Complete a 250-hour work-based learning experience with evidence of positive evaluations;  
  2. Meet the National Career Readiness Silver Level on the WorkKeys*; or  
  3. Earn the OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal

*Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the workforce readiness score? 
The Department of Education and Workforce has set the required score on the WorkKeys assessments to align with the Silver National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) which is a score of 4 or higher on each of the three assessments: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.

This score is available for any student using WorkKeys as a pathway to meet high school graduation requirements and for adult learners using WorkKeys to complete their Adult Diploma requirements.


Can a student complete only foundational demonstrations to complete this requirement? For example, can a student complete a pre-apprenticeship program and earn 12 points of industry-recognized credentials and complete this requirement? 
Yes. The only requirement is that students complete at least one foundational demonstration. The second demonstration can be either foundational or supporting. 

What is the proficient score on WebXams?  
The score of proficient varies for each WebXam. To find the proficient score for a specific WebXam test, please see the WebXam website. The “performance standard” for each test is the passing score. To calculate a cumulative score, a school should average both the “performance standard” scores for each test, and the student scores on each test. More information can be found here
Do Family and Consumer Science assessments meet the Foundational option to demonstrate competency for earning a score of proficient or higher on three or more state technical assessments aligned with section 3313.903 of the Revised Code in a single career pathway? 
No, Family and Consumer Science is not recognized by the Office of Career-Technical Education as a Career-Technical Education Career-Field Pathway. Family and Consumer Science is recognized as one of three Career-Technical Education Programs (Family and Consumer Science, Career-Based Intervention, and Industry Credential Only.) Assessments related to Career-Technical Education Programs are covered under section 3313.903 of the Revised Code. 

What counts as a pre-apprenticeship? Does it need to be recognized? 
Pre-apprenticeships offer students an opportunity to participate in work-based learning experiences in designated occupations or industry sectors in preparation for formal registered apprenticeship training programs. Pre-apprenticeships have the same foundational requirements as all work-based learning experiences (see below). In addition, pre-apprenticeships should be recognized as outlined by ApprenticeOhio, Ohio’s State Apprenticeship Council. All apprenticeships must be registered with Ohio State Apprenticeship Council.  

Where can I find more information on pre-apprenticeship? 
More information about pre-apprenticeships can be found on the Ohio Department of Education’s and Workforce website, the ApprenticeOhio website, and in OAC Chapter 5101:11-2

What are the requirements for the work-based learning experience?  Does it have to be 250 hours in one year or over the course of 4 years? 
The requirements of work-based learning experiences, as detailed in the Work-Based Learning Overview, are as follows: 

  • Work-based learning experiences must occur at a work site (a work site can also exist virtually or within the school facilities). 
  • Work-based learning experiences must be co-supervised and co-evaluated by an instructor or other educational representative and an employer or business mentor. 
  • A learning agreement built on professional, academic and technical competencies aligned to the student’s program of study, student success plan and/or graduation plan must be in place. 
  • Students can accumulate work-based learning hours across multiple years, beginning as early as grade 9. Students may also accumulate hours across multiple types of work-based learning experiences. 

How do we define “positive evaluations”? 
“Positive evaluations” refers to the student’s demonstrated progress in mastering learning competencies as identified in the learning agreement. These learning competencies should be evaluated by both the instructor or educational representative and the employer or business mentor. 

Can a student use an experience or demonstration to satisfy both a competency alternative and to earn a readiness seal? 
Yes, students completing a requirement can use that demonstration to satisfy multiple parts of the graduation requirements. For example, a student earning 12 points of industry- recognized credentials as a part of their foundational competency alternative would also earn the Industry-Recognized Credential Seal. 

Additional Resources

Last Modified: 12/6/2024 10:50:48 AM