Written Education Plans (WEPs) for Gifted Students

All school districts in Ohio reporting services to gifted students must have on file a copy of a Written Education Plan (WEP) for each student served. Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 outlines the specific points that must be included on the WEP. The following documents have been designed to assist school districts in creating and implementing the WEP.

  1. Model WEP. The first of the three documents below is a suggested form that was designed to provide a comprehensive view of the student. The information sheet contains definitions and examples. The third document is one district's modification of the Model WEP provided here as an example.
  2. Checklist to Evaluate Local WEP
    This document describes the specific components that must be included on the WEP.

Last Modified: 9/30/2024 9:45:24 AM