Test Scores for Voucher Students
Parents use many factors to decide where their children will attend school. One factor is the results of state tests that students with scholarships in non-public schools and in public schools take.
State law requires the Ohio Department of Education to publicly report EdChoice and Cleveland Scholarship students' performances on all required state standardized testing. This allows families and others to compare the performance of scholarship students in the non-public schools with the performance of students at the public schools where the scholarship students would have attended without the scholarship.
Families can review the results of scholarship students in non-public schools. This helps families make an informed school choice if they have a new or existing scholarship. Follow the link below to the interactive dashboard to view test results.
Scholarship Student Proficiency for School Year 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
Families may compare the above results with the results on the Ohio Schools Report Card for the public school district their child would have attended without a scholarship.
Past Test Data
Note: There is an important difference when comparing state test results between students in public and non-public schools. Public districts and schools have an opportunity to review test results and can make corrections before publication in the Ohio School Report Card system. Non-public schools do not have an opportunity to review and request corrections to their test results before publication.
Last Modified: 2/1/2024 10:36:06 AM