Expanding Opportunities for Each Child

Expanding Opportunities for Each Child


FY25 School Improvement Open Office Hours Series

The Office of School and District Improvement is hosting a series of webinars for grantees of the Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement grant and the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive grant. Each webinar will focus on a different topic designed to guide grantees through the FY25 School Improvement Grant Life Cycle.

Below is the topic for each webinar session with their corresponding dates. Registration is required for each webinar.

  • Open Office Hours* on February 20, 2025, at 1pm | Register HERE
  • Checkpoint #3: Remaining Funds and Summer Extension on March 20, 2025, at 1pm | Register HERE
  • Open Office Hours* on April 17, 2025, at 1pm | Register HERE
  • Preparing for FY26 on May 22, 2025, at 1pm | Register HERE
  • Closing out FY25 and Preparing for FY26 on June 19, 2025, at 1pm | Register HERE

Please email questions to School_Improvement@education.ohio.gov or eoecgrant@education.ohio.gov.

*NOTE: These sessions will not have a formal presentation


The Office of School and District Improvement administers the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive (EOEC NC) Grant.

The EOEC NC grant funds are awarded to traditional school districts and community schools. Section 1003A of Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) recommends that state education agencies (SEA) set aside an additional 3% of Title I Part A to fund this grant. Ohio chooses to distribute these funds as the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive grant. The EOEC NC grant is allocated to an LEA with schools that have been identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI).

The EOEC NC grant funds allow LEAs to implement programs and activities that align to the Department’s agency priorities of including Literacy, Learning Acceleration, and Workforce Readiness. The grant is intentionally designed to provide additional learning opportunities for students in literacy and other academic areas and to enhance their skills to enter the workforce.

Fiscal Year 2025 Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Grant

For state fiscal year 2025 (FY25), the EOEC NC program is a non-competitive formula grant. LEAs with at least one (1) Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) will receive EOEC NC funding. 

EOEC NC grant funding is designed to improve student outcomes, including participation, performance, and graduation by expanding access to existing programs and/or introducing programming that is not otherwise available in the LEA’s building(s). Grantees might choose to leverage the EOEC NC programming for supporting college and career readiness, engaging diverse learners, focusing on academic recovery and acceleration, or expanding options for student-centered learning.

The FY25 Expanding Opportunities for Each Child NC (EOEC NC) grant application is within the new CCIP School Improvement and Supports Grant application.   

Grant Focus Areas 

The FY25 EOEC NC grant programming should expand access to and increase enrollment in school improvement activities for low-achieving students.

The grant includes several focus areas: Advanced CourseworkCareer PathwaysPersonalized Learning, Credit Recovery and Academic Acceleration, and Graduation Pathways. These areas allow LEAs to create and expand programming that would not otherwise be available:

  • Advanced Coursework: Opportunities to earn college credit in high school. Advanced coursework can include Advanced Placement (AP) and College Credit Plus (CCP) courses.
  • Career Pathways: Course options with work-based learning opportunities that lead to the attainment of a secondary school diploma and at least one industry-recognized credential.
  • Personalized Learning: Opportunities to customize the learning experience to each student’s unique skills, abilities, preferences, background, and experiences. Personalized learning activities can be offered through blended, digital, or project-based learning activities. 
  • Credit Recovery and Academic Acceleration: Courses that lead to a regular high school diploma by allowing students to recover credits they did not successfully obtain or to take courses typically offered to a higher-grade band. 
  • Graduation Pathways: Creative programming that inspires students to actively participate in learning, graduate from high school on time, and be prepared to enter the workforce.

Additional Grant Resources 

Archived Materials 

Please note that these materials have been archived and are for historical reference only. Please see materials above for current guidance. 

FY24 EOEC NC Documents

FY23 And fy24 Non-Competitive Grant Documents

FY21 and FY22 Non-Competitive Grant 


Last Modified: 1/16/2025 2:49:51 PM