Service Provider Ratio and Workload Calculation
The Office for Exceptional Children is providing this workload calculator as an example of a workload process. It can help local school districts make decisions about workload for service providers who are working full time. Districts can use this workload process to make decisions about the workloads of service providers based on information put into the calculator. This process supports Rule 3301-51-09 of the Ohio Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities. However, this calculator is not the only way to calculate workload.
Districts must use a workload process to determine the service provider’s caseload. Once the district determines the workload, it must decide if the workload can be completed as it is assigned. If not, the district must make changes. In addition, districts and service providers should evaluate workloads at different points during the school year.
Dr. Charles Carlin, University of Akron, lead researcher for Ohio’s Caseload Ratio Project and Study, developed the workload calculator for the Office for Exceptional Children.
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Last Modified: 4/7/2022 8:54:59 AM