Successful Transitions for Justice-Involved Students

To develop Plans for Educational Stability for Justice-Involved Students, consider the following key components:  

1) Designate a Justice-Involved Youth Liaison.  

Ohio schools and districts designate a justice-involved youth liaison and identify this person in the Ohio Education Directory System (OEDS). Justice-involved youth liaisons can coordinate with district and school staff, community stakeholders and families to foster positive outcomes for justice-involved students.  

2) Establish Collaborative Partnerships.  

Clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of various agency personnel, including specific timelines for the development of transition plans. Open communication between districts and courts can provide a smoother transition for students in secure care. It is best practice to establish a collaborative partnership between a representative from the district and the juvenile court. Community partners who help students transition from secure care can include: 

  • Parents, caregivers and families 
  • District and school-level educators  
  • Government agencies and representatives  
  • Community-based organizations, 
  • Physical health and mental health providers  
  • Student and youth mentor organizations 
  • ​Faith-based organizations  

Personalizing the re-entry process with the returning student and their family will increase engagement, limit repetition of completed classes and reduce frustration.  

3) Acquire Transcripts and Records to Keep Students on Track. 

Federal law requires that all academic credits earned while in detention facilities transfer to a student’s new school, along with their student records. Students in secure care most likely do not transfer to a new district while in secured care, and justice-involved students remain enrolled in their district of attendance in most instances.  

Districts and schools can update procedures for records requests and transfers to address the unique needs of justice-involved students. Consider how records requests occur when there is no change in enrollment status with the district of attendance. Work together to share relevant academic and individualized education plan (IEP) records. 

Examples of relevant documents include: 

  • Special education evaluations (ETR), individualized education plans (IEPs) and records 
  • 504 plans 
  • Transcripts 
  • Report cards and progress notes 
  • Progress reports from online credit recovery programs 
  • State tests and academic assessments 
  • ​Work samples or portfolios 

Schools and districts receiving justice-involved students can identify partial and completed credits earned by considering connections with classes offered and previously documented coursework. Including the student and family in this process will also increase engagement and academic success.  

Related Resources 

Last Modified: 2/3/2025 11:45:33 AM