Child and Adult Care Food Program: Adult Day Care Component

Adult Day Care: Public or private nonprofit adult day care facilities which provide structured, comprehensive services to nonresidential adults who are functionally impaired, or aged 60 and older, may participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) as independent or sponsored centers.  The adult component of CACFP is targeted to individuals who remain in the community and reside in their home or with family members. Individuals who reside in institutions are not eligible for CACFP benefits. For profit centers may be eligible for CACFP if at least 25% of their participants receive benefits under Title XIX or Title XX.

Information about Adult Care Program Component

Civil Rights

Claims and Reimbursement Reporting System (CRRS)

System used by schools and community agencies enrolled in USDA Child Nutrition Programs through DEW to submit required data and apply for meal reimbursements.

Federal Regulations

Menu Planning

Templates and Forms

Templates and forms are available to child nutrition program sponsors in the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS). Go to Applications, then Download Forms to access templates.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Non-Discrimination Statement

Last Modified: 10/2/2024 9:59:59 AM