Liaisons Supporting Students Living in Foster Care

Title I, Part A as enacted through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that traditional public districts and community schools designate a point of contact or “foster care education liaison” to support students in foster care.  
Foster care education liaisons support the identification, enrollment, and access to academic and non-academic services for students in foster care.  

The local foster care education liaison:  

  • Coordinates with the local custodial agency point of contact, 
  • Creates and maintains local processes and procedures for best interest determinations that are inclusive of the student placed into foster care and properly documented,  
  • Ensures proper identification of foster care students in EMIS based on change in placement for child, 
  • Facilitates records transfer and immediate enrollment and data sharing, 
  • Develops and coordinates local transportation procedures
  • Manages disputes related to best interest determination and transportation cost,  
  • Provides professional development for school personnel to help identify, support, and engage students in foster care, and
  • Supports the full engagement and participation in school activities for all students in foster care, in accordance with the Foster Youth Bill of Rights

Ohio’s Foster Care Checklist can be used to support these duties.             

Related Resources  

Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Supports for Students in Foster Care 
Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Transportation Supports for Students Living in Foster Care  

Last Modified: 4/25/2024 11:19:00 AM