Content Preparation for Teachers - Ohio's State Tests
For state tests in English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies
Teachers can prepare their students for state tests by providing instruction related to Ohio's Learning Standards for their courses and grade levels. Posted below are resources outlining how educators can fully integrate Ohio’s Learning Standards into their classrooms using materials for their curriculum and instruction in each content area.
Sample items and practice tests
What are the test blueprints and specifications?
Test blueprints serve as guides for test construction and provide outlines of the content and skills to be measured. For each individual test, they contain the number of test items, the number of points on the test, and how learning standards are grouped to report the test results. Note that science and social studies blueprints are part of test specification documents, which include more information about the content the tests will assess.
Last Modified: 8/19/2022 12:43:23 PM