Test Coordinator

Test Coordinator

Cambium System Enhancements


Unified Header and Icons

The various testing systems now have a consistent header and common icons across the test systems [including the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE), Test Administrator (TA) Interface, and Centralized Reporting System (CRS)]. Some buttons and information have been moved so that there is a consistent experience across all systems. Below is an example of the header from the TA Interface. 


TIDE Enhancements

Details on all enhancements will be included in the TIDE User Guide for 2023-2024 which will be published to the test portal on Aug. 1. 

Improved File Uploads

The user interface for uploading any files (for example, a Pre-ID file and roster file) to TIDE has been modernized to make uploading files easier. Improvements include the following: 

  • New drag and drop upload wizard 
  • More prominent progress bar, file templates, and upload history 
  • A validation summary 
  • More details on the confirmation screen 

Student Record Update History

This new feature within the Student Information task in TIDE allows District Test Coordinators (DTCs) and District Administrators (DAs) to see a detailed history of the updates made to a student's record in TIDE, when, and by whom. This helps DTCs and DAs know which user made an update to a student's record.


Updated Name for Secure Inbox – Now Secure File Center

To reduce confusion, the Secure Inbox has been renamed the Secure File Center. The new name is intended to clarify that the Secure File Center is for secure file exchange and retrieval and is not an email or messaging platform. The Secure File Center will continue to house files generated in TIDE and CRS, to be where DTCs receive automated Child Alerts, and to serve the purpose of securely transferring files to other users.


TA Interface Enhancements

The TA Interface has been modernized to improve usability. The functions of the TA Interface have not changed, but buttons have been moved and screens have a new layout. These changes make better use of the space to improve readability and include more information on the screen. Below is a sample of the new look of the TA Interface.


Beginning Aug. 1, the updated TA User Guide will be available for review. The TA Certification course will also be updated on Aug. 1 to reflect the updated TA Interface. It is recommended that all TAs take the new certification course, even if they have completed it in the past, to become familiar with the new interface. Users can also visit the TA Practice Site to practice creating a test session using the new interface.

Student Interface Enhancements

Revised End Test Experience

The student experience when ending a test has been simplified. When students reach the last question on a test, they will no longer see an “End Test” button. Instead, they will click the “Next” button as if they are moving to the next page in a traditional linear workflow. The students will then see the review screen, which clearly states this is the end of the test. From this screen, students can pause, go back into the test, or submit the test for scoring.


Speech to Text

A new student tool is available for students who qualify for the speech to text accommodation, as indicated in their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan. Speech to text is now built into the student interface and does not require any additional software or setup. This tool will be available for items with text entry on Ohio’s State Tests (OSTs) English language arts tests, the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA), and Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS).  

To enable this accommodation for a student, DTCs should contact the Ohio Help Desk at least 72 hours prior to testing the student. Requests will be reviewed by the Department, and, if approved, the embedded speech to text feature will be enabled for the student. Details on how to use this tool will be in the TA User Guide. The Practice Site will also be updated so students may practice using this tool when testing with a proctored session only. Information on students who qualify for this accommodation can be found in Ohio’s Accessibility Manual

Updated Pre-ID and Student Results Layouts for 2023-2024

The Pre-ID Layout for importing student information into TIDE and the Student Results Layout for retrieving test results from the CRS have been updated and significantly simplified. The simplified Pre-ID file provides easier and less time-consuming file generation and increased data accuracy. The updated Student Results file reduces file generation and download times and allows easier intake of results data. 

The Pre-ID Layout is now focused only on student demographics and the fields directly involved in test administration, such as eligibility fields. This has reduced the record length from almost 900 characters to just 311. Similarly, the Student Results Layout is now focused only on student demographics and score data. This has reduced the record length from more than 1,000 characters to just 472. Fields have also been removed for tests no longer administered: grades 4 and 6 social studies, physical science, and English Language Arts I. There are also a few minor updates, which are shown in red, such as renaming the Limited English Proficient (LEP) field to English Learner (EL).  

The layouts have also been standardized so the same fields appear in the same sequence and with the same definitions. Record positions 1 through 149 are identical in the two files.  

These layouts should be shared with data managers and others who work with these files to prepare their systems for the 2023-2024 test administrations. 

Note: All Pre-ID information from the 2022-2023 school year is removed from TIDE during the annual rollover in July. All students must be added for the 2023-2024 school year with new, updated student demographic and eligibility information.