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Apply for limited third round of Comprehensive Literacy State Development subgrant


The Department announces a limited third-round competition for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development subgrant. This one-year subgrant will focus on developing model literacy practices at sites that do not currently have a Comprehensive Literacy State Development subgrant. Selected sites will concentrate on implementing practices consistent with Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement. The grant also will support professional learning and coaching. The partnership between the proposed sites and the Department will allow districts, schools and families to improve student literacy and increase educational options available to students who traditionally have been underserved.

The Department awarded the first two rounds of Comprehensive Literacy State Development subgrants in 2020. The Department currently is accepting applications for all age bands: Birth-Kindergarten Entry, Kindergarten-Grade 5, Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12. The Department will prioritize subgrant applications from regions that did not receive a subgrant in an age band in the first or second round of the Comprehensive Literacy State Development subgrant competition. These are listed in the Request for Applications. The deadline for this limited third round of applications is June 7.

Details about this limited third round, including the request for applications, steps to apply, eligibility requirements and intent to apply, can be found on the Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant webpage.

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