Learn about chronic absenteeism prevention strategies during May 17 webinar
Attendance and engagement are key to success in school and beyond. As chronic absence continues to be a top issue for districts, partners can work together to shift mindsets from truancy compliance to prevention and early intervention.
The Department and the Stay in the Game! Network are partnering with Attendance Works to offer a one-hour webinar on the multitiered system of support for attendance that begins with prevention and early intervention. This interactive webinar takes place May 17 at 1 p.m. and will provide tiered strategies to promote attendance and student engagement as a preventative approach to chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism means missing 10% of school for any reason.
The webinar will provide an overview of a multitiered system of support to remove barriers that prevent students from participating and engaging in learning and provide needed supports.
The target audience for the webinar includes district and school leaders and staff who participate in collaborative teams focused on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and multi-tiered systems of supports. Community organizations that partner with districts to support student and family needs also are welcome.
This webinar supports a maximum of 500 participants. Attendance will be on a first-come basis.
Participants will need to include their district, school or organization name and email address.
Direct questions to the Office of Whole Child Supports at attendance@education.ohio.gov or (614) 387-2202.