Getting Problems Solved

When your child has a problem at school, it is important for your family and the school to work together. Contact your child’s teacher early, when the problem is just beginning. It is common for parents to wait until they are upset about an issue before making this contact. But, if child has been frustrated for too long it becomes harder to work together for a solution.

These steps will help you make the most of your communication with your child’s teacher about any problem:
  1. darcy fingerpaintsThink about the problem in terms of home and school. What is happening at home? What is your concern about school?
  2. What are possible ways of solving the problem at school and at home? Try to think of more that one solution.
  3. Talk about the problem and your ideas for solving it with your child’s teacher.
  4. Keep your emotions under control. Angry parents are threatening to teachers. Anger can hurt your effort to help your child.
  5. Talk about what you, your child or the teacher will need to do to help.
  6. Take action.
  7. Talk with your child about the problem and any changes.
  8. Follow up with the teacher to talk about how the problem was solved. If the problem doesn’t improve, discuss a new plan. Talk with the teacher about who else could help solve the problem.
  9. Most importantly, keep working on your child’s behalf until the problem is solved.

Teachers aren’t the only help available

Many people are available in our schools and communities to help parents get solutions to the issues children and families face. The resources are different in each school and community. The school or district office can give you phone numbers for the support people in your schools. If you need help for your child, you can contact:

  • Guidance counselors;
  • School nurses;
  • School social workers;
  • School psychologists;
  • Parent mentors for special education;
  • Parent liaisons;
  • PTO/PTA presidents;
  • Principals;
  • School board members;
  • Transportation directors;
  • School nutritionists;
  • Special education directors;
  • Literacy (reading) specialists;
  • Curriculum coordinators;
  • Religious leaders;
  • Scouts, boys and girls clubs, and 4H leaders;
  • Coaches and trainers.


Last Modified: 8/10/2016 10:09:17 AM