Parent Engagement

As per the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title I, Part A Section 1118, a written parental involvement policy shall be developed jointly with, agreed upon with, and distributed to parents of participating children.
Local Educational Agency (LEA)/School District SHALL:
- Incorporate the policy into their plan
- Establish the agency’s expectations for active parental involvement
- Design the policy to build consistent and effective communication between the families and the school
- Share information about the importance of the involvement of parents and how it directly affects the success of their children’s educational efforts
The policy describes how the LEA will:
- Involve parents in the
- Joint development of the plan
- Process of school review
- Process of improvement
- Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools in
- Planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement
- Improving school performance by helping the families learn
- how and when to assist their children in classroom learning activities
- techniques, strategies, and skills to use at home
- Building the school’s and parent’s capacity for strong involvement
- Coordinating and integrating strategies with other programs
- Conducting an annual evaluation of content and effectiveness of the policy
- Identifying barriers to participation (e.g. parents who are economically disadvantaged, disabled, LEP, limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background)
- Using findings to redesign strategies.
- Involving parents in school activities.
If parents are dissatisfied with the policy, the LEA SHALL submit any parent comments with their plan to the State Educational Agency (SEA)/State Department of Education.
School Building Parental Involvement Policy/Plan
The school policy/plan SHALL describe the means for carrying out the requirements. Parents and the community SHALL be notified of the policy and its availability. The policy/plan SHALL be updated periodically.
Each School Shall:
- Convene an annual meeting.
- Explain the requirements and the rights of the parents to be involved
- Offer a flexible schedule of meetings (e.g. mornings and evenings)
- Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way to plan, review, and
- Improve programs, such as the
- parental involvement policy/plan
- schoolwide plan
- Provide the parents of participating children with
- timely information
- description and explanation of the curriculum to be used
- the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress
- proficiency levels that students are expected to meet
- opportunities for decision-making related to the education of their children
- Respond to any parent suggestions as soon as practicably possible
- Include a School- Parent Compact, which is a written agreement of what schools and parents are each supposed to do to help students achieve. A School-Parent Compact is
- a component of the school-level parental involvement policy/plan.
- a plan of action.
Each served school SHALL jointly develop the compact with parents of served children.
- The compact outlines how parents, teachers, other school staff, and students will share the responsibilities for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state standards.
A Compact SHALL
Describe the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment. Curriculum and instruction should enable the student to meet the state standards.
Additionally, a description should be included of ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning, such as;
- monitoring attendance
- homework completion
- television watching
- school volunteering
- education decision making
- positive use of extracurricular time
Describe communication between teachers and parents
- annual parent-teacher conferences where the compact is discussed
- frequent progress reports to parents
- reasonable access to staff
- classroom volunteering, participation, and observation opportunities
If parents are dissatisfied with the schoolwide plan, the school can submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA.
Last Modified: 8/5/2024 2:00:32 PM