High School Tested Courses
High School Tested Courses
The 2017-2018 state tests will be aligned to the 2010 Ohio’s Learning Standards. These resources are aligned to the 2010 standards and appropriate for use in preparation of the 2017-2018 state tests.
Test items aligned to the 2017 revised standards in English language arts and math could appear as field test items on the 2017-2018 state tests. Field test items do not count for or against a student’s overall score. The 2018-2019 end-of-course tests will be aligned with the revised 2017 Ohio’s Learning Standards in English language arts and math.
To earn a high school diploma, Ohio students must take and complete a minimum of 20 course credits and also choose from three options to show their readiness for college or career.
Earning a minimum of 18 out of 35 points on the seven end-of-course state tests is one of the three options. Based on each test score, a student earns one to five graduation points.
In a 2016 fall survey, many Ohio districts and schools requested that the Department create a single, “one-stop” webpage for all resources that relate to all high school state tested courses. This new webpage responds to that request by providing resources to improve course quality and support strategies to provide intervention services to students who desire higher scores on the end-of course exams. | Webcast (Nov 10. 2016)
- Ohio’s Learning Standards for the courses in each content area
- Model Curriculum for the courses in each content area
- Practice tests for each of the high school tests
- Test blueprint which provides important information about the structure of the test
- Ohio’s Online Reporting System with information on the data available in the system
- Additional resources identified to support student learning
Last Modified: 4/19/2024 11:43:59 AM