Deaf and Hearing Impaired

This page provides links to various programs and resources for students who are deaf and hearing impaired:

Definition of Deafness (Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-01 (B)(10)(D)(iv))

“Deafness” means a hearing impairment that is so severe that the child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.

Definition of Hearing Impairment (Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-01 (B)(10)(D)(vi))

“Hearing impairment” means an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance but that is not included under the definition of deafness in this rule


Ohio School for the Deaf is an educational facility and resource center on deafness and provides comprehensive education for Ohio's deaf and hard-of-hearing students which encourages independence and life long learning.

Ohio School for the Deaf Statewide Services provides support, assistance and resources to educators, interpreters, parents and school districts who work with learners who are deaf and hard-of-hearing in Ohio's public schools.

Ohio Center for Deafblind Education (OCDBE) provides services in Ohio for individuals, birth through 21 years, with deafblindness, including free collaborative technical assistance to families, educational personnel and service providers through training and information dissemination.

State Library of Ohio Outreach/Deafness Collection at the State Library of Ohio is collaboration with the Center for Outreach Services at the Ohio School for the Deaf. Materials related to deaf education, the Deaf Community, and interpreting are available for loan to professionals and families statewide.

The Outreach Center for Deafness and Blindness works to increase access and equity for students, families, and communities through connections, resources, and supports.

Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University provides information, training, and technical assistance for parents and professionals to meet the needs of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our mission is to improve the quality of education afforded to deaf and hard of hearing students from birth to age 21 throughout the United States.

Classroom Interpreting provides information for administrators, teachers, classroom interpreters, educational interpreters, parents, and students who are deaf or hard of hearing deaf and hard of hearing students about accessing education and social interaction through interpretation. The site includes information about the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment.

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) provides information on interpreting, finding an interpreter, and standard practices in the profession through the national organization, regions, and chapters, including the Ohio Chapter of RID. The organization offers certification evaluations, professional development, and resources to interpreters and verifies continuing education through its Certification Maintenance Program.  The Ohio Chapter provides professional development and resources for interpreters.

PEPNet provides resources and expertise that enhance educational opportunities for people who are deaf or hard of hearing--including those with co-occurring disabilities. PEPNet's national outreach is coordinated through its four regional centers and those centers work collaboratively to provide a broad variety of best practices & resources where and when you need them to enhance educational opportunities. PEPNet offers consultation, training, professional development, cutting edge technical assistance and other resources to educational institutions. PEPNet also has online trainings and an online resource library.

Assistive Technology & Accessible Educational Materials Center (AT & AEM) provides centralized responsive resources that empowers individuals with disabilities by providing accessible educational materials, access to assistive technologies, technical assistance and professional development support.

Columbus Speech and Hearing Center provides audiology and speech pathology services, hearing services, hearing screenings and parent information classes.

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing focuses specifically on children with hearing loss, providing ongoing support and advocacy for parents, professionals, and other interested parties. AG Bell provides financial aid for mainstreamed education to qualifying applicants at preschool, school-age and post-secondary levels.

National Association of the Deaf (NAD) provides ASL (American Sign Language) Teacher Certification; holds biennial conventions, conferences and forums; and has an interpreter assessment program.  NAD is involved in issues related to education and supports youth leadership through various events and programs.

Ohio Hands & Voices  is dedicated to supporting families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing without a bias toward communication modes or methodologies. We are a parent-driven, non-profit organization offering families the resources, networks and information they need to improve communication access and education outcomes for their children. Our focus is to enable Deaf and Hard of Hearing children to reach their highest potential through outreach activities, parent-professional collaboration and advocacy efforts.

American Society for Deaf Children is committed to diverse families with children/youth who are deaf or hard of hearing by embracing full access to language-rich environments through mentoring, advocacy, networking, and collaborative networks.

Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) is a statewide, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the educational interests of children with disabilities. The Coalition offers free materials and statewide training programs for families with handicapped children. OCECD also offers assistance in the areas of advocacy, legislation, educational rights, transition from high school to community, and team work between families and service providers. 

ODH Children’s Hearing and Vision Program is a program of early detection, diagnosis and treatment of children with hearing and vision problems. In addition to providing school-screening standards, the program conducts a statewide survey of hearing and vision screening programs and provides training for people who do screenings.  The information and links are designed to be a resource for parents, districts and programs. The agencies listed provide helpful information for families and educators of children identified with hearing impairments: ODH Hearing Resources

The information and links are designed to be a resource for parents, districts and programs. The agencies listed provide helpful information for families and educators of children identified with vision or hearing impairments. This directory of resources specifies the screening requirements and guidelines for school-based preschool and K-12 schools. Children who do not pass school hearing and vision screenings should be referred for follow-up care.



Last Modified: 10/3/2023 9:22:35 AM