

Start the year with PBIS


Schools and districts have the perfect opportunity to revisit their implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at the start of this school year. Educators can delve into critical practices that create positive, predictable and safe learning environments for all students while meeting the requirements of the restraint and seclusion rule revision.

The Center on PBIS describes PBIS as an evidence-based, three-tiered framework to improve and integrate the data, systems and practices affecting student outcomes every day. Schools and districts have an opportunity to evaluate their PBIS implementation and needs, whether new to the framework or revisiting past practices, to start the school year right.

For continued learning on Ohio PBIS, visit the Learning Management System (LMS), which is accessible to licensed educators through the OH|ID portal. More information is on the Department’s PBIS webpage. Schools and districts can access training through local educational service centers or regional state support teams.

Contact PBISOhio@education.ohio.gov with questions.