Resources for Technology

Virtual Meetups: Computer Science and Technology

The computer science and technology content specialists of the Office of Learning and Instructional Strategies are scheduling Virtual Meetups in collaboration with various professional organizations across the state to support educators and administrators during extended remote learning. The purpose of the forum is to support educators and to give them a platform to network, share and gain new skills or strategies to help students succeed while learning remotely.

This aligns with the vision of Ohio’s Strategic Plan for Education, Each Child, Our Future, which focuses on the whole child by empowering teachers to help their students to become resilient lifelong learners who contribute to society. These meetups help to facilitate discussions about equitable learning opportunities and practices for each child while partnering with educators and professional organizations to promote quality schools and student success. 

The Department will host the meetups in conjunction with guest facilitators sponsored by professional organizations.


Computer Science Teacher Association of Ohio (CSTA Ohio) 
Ohio Technology and Engineering Educators Association (OTEEA) 
Ohio Educational Technology Agencies (Ohio Ed Techs) 
Ohio Cyber Collaboration Committee (OC3)
Ohio Cyber Range Institute (OCRI)

Archived Virtual Meetup recordings and resources


Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Guidance Documents

Technology Glossary - This is the companion glossary for Ohio's Learning Standards and Model Curriculum for Technology. 

Ohio's Graduation Requirements for the Technology Seal - Scroll to page 20 for guidelines concerning earning Ohio's Technology Seal.  

The following resources may be helpful for teachers as they develop and implement virtual learning experiences. This list is not comprehensive, and the Department does not endorse any particular program or platform.


Designing eLearning Experiences

Instructional Strategies for Virtual Learning - The National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) developed this tool to help educators translate strong instructional practice to an online environment. The tool describes what key teaching practices would "look and sound like" when planning and delivering virtual instruction. Teachers gain specific examples and strategies for adapting their practice to both asynchronous and synchronous settings. 

National Standards for Quality Online Learning (NSQOL) - NSQOL provides National Standards for Quality Online Courses and Quality Online Teaching

SpotOn Digital Content Review Rubric - This rubric evaluates digital content using four dimensions: Content Quality, Pedagogy, Use of Technology and Content Area Standards.

State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) - Coalition for eLearning - SETDA has assembled resources and examples to help teachers develop and implement remote learning experiences. 

Designing an Online Lesson Using the Five Es Instructional Model - This post provides strategies for leveraging technology tools to design an online lesson that includes the components of the Five Es instructional model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. 

Maker-Centered Learning in a Distance Learning Environment - This tool was developed in connection with the Project Zero initiative, Agency By Design. Using the initiative's Framework for Maker-Centered Learning, this tool provides examples of thinking routines, practices and online adaptions teachers can use to design maker-centered learning experiences in a remote setting. 

Digital Resources

The Concord Consortium - (Grades K-12) Provides virtually guided STEM lessons that can be run remotely and through browsers. CODAP is one of many resources included on this website. CODAP is a web-based data tool to help students summarize, visualize and interpret data for grades 6-12.  

Desmos - (Grades 3-12) These digital activities leverage dynamic, web-based tools to help students understand math concepts. Educators can use the Activity Builder to create their own lessons as well.  

Esri GeoInquiries - (Grades 4-12) GeoInquiries are 15-minute inquiry activities that use interactive maps (geographic) to support instructional content from science, social studies, math and English language arts. Students use visual analysis to see patterns and think spatially about the concepts in the maps. 

ITEEA Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (2020)  - The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) has revised its Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy. Educators can use this resource to support the implementation of Ohio's Technology Learning Standards. It provides background information, explanations and examples concerning the knowledge, skills and practices involved in developing technological and engineering literacy.  

PBS LearningMedia - (Grades K-12) Within the engineering and technology collection, this website provides digital resources that address topics that include the relationship between technology and society, technological literacy and engineering design. Topics are real-world based. 

Resources for Educators Using Data in the Classroom -  (Grades K-12) The Oceans of Data Institute provides data activities, data sources, lessons and resources for the classroom.  Students can access real-world data involving a variety of topics from different content areas to interpret data, identify patterns and make predictions.

United States Census Bureau: Explore Data - This website contains links to many different datasets. It also contains data tools and visualizations.

Last Modified: 7/25/2024 8:27:37 AM