Ohio's operating standards for school districts and schools establish specific expectations and guidelines for use in creating learning conditions that meet student needs and achieve state and local educational goals and objectives.
The operating standards are in the form of nine administrative rules.
purpose and definitions rule provides a working definition for terms found in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and aligned to OAC 3301-35-02 through OAC 3301-35-09.
Governance, Leadership and Strategic Planning
This rule addresses
governance, leadership and strategic planning for school administrators. This rule helps schools develop, implement and communicate strategic plans with stakeholders in order to operate as a successful thinking and learning organization.
This rule addresses the policies and procedures for schools (public and chartered nonpublic) that incorporate a
blended learning process into their instructional routine. Revisions to the rule provide clarity.
Student and Other Stakeholder Focus
This rule addresses the policies and procedures that should be adopted by school districts and schools to ensure
student and stakeholder needs are addressed. Revisions to the rule focuses on ensuring consistent language is being used with statutory and rule references, as well as updating assessment information to include state performance measures and local data.
This rule addresses credentialed, and classified staff employed by the school or district. The use of the terms
credentialed staff and
classified staff were changed in some areas to maintain consistency throughout the rule. The revisions clarified a district or school’s obligation regarding credentialed and classified staff.
Educational Programs and Support
This rule addresses the
design and implementation of general educational programs. This rule helps schools coordinate educational programs with stakeholders in order to ensure high quality education for all students and to promote individual student success. The revisions include amendments for clarification and removal of provisions that duplicate existing law.
This rule addresses measures and improvement to operational and education performance including the collection and analysis of education and operational data that is accessible, valid and reliable to monitor, evaluate, and to meet changing educational needs for
continuous improvement. The revisions include amendments for clarification and removal of provisions that duplicate existing law.
Non-chartered, Non-tax Supported School
This rule is specific to
non-chartered, non-tax supported schools in which schools that, because of truly held religious beliefs, choose to not be chartered by the State Board of Education. Each non-chartered, non-tax supported schools must certify annually in a report to parents that the school meets the Ohio Operating Standards. A copy of that report is provided to the Ohio Department of Education on or before September 30 of each year. In addition to clarifying amendments, the Department revised the rule to reflect the process for the annual certification.
Chartered Nonpublic Schools
chartered nonpublic school is a private school that holds a valid charter issued by the State Board of Education and maintains compliance with the Operating Standards for Ohio's Schools. The amendments clarify the obligations and exemptions under the Operating Standards for these schools. For efficiency, the Department consolidated rule 3301-35-10 with this rule.