Students and Families Affiliated with the Military
Over 15,000 students in Ohio are members of military families. Frequent moves and family separations through deployments, as well as reintegration issues can make life especially challenging.
Military-Connected Youth Supports
Students and families can use the following links to learn more about ways Ohio supports military-connected students:
- Enrolling New Students in Active-Duty Families lists tools that assist military families with enrollment when transitioning to Ohio.
Purple Star Schools has a map of military-friendly schools across the state. The Purple Star Award recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.
- Collegiate Purple Star is an award program recognizing military-friendly colleges and universities in Ohio.
Transition Resources
A military-connected student can move six to nine times over the course of a military career. The School Liaison Office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base serves all military families in Ohio, no matter their service status. Below are other resources to assist families during transitions from one school to another:
Related Resources
Last Modified: 8/9/2024 10:17:17 AM