School Improvement Grants


FY25 School Improvement Open Office Hours Series

The Office of School and District Improvement is hosting a series of webinars for grantees of the Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement grant and the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive grant. Each webinar will focus on a different topic designed to guide grantees through the FY25 School Improvement Grant Life Cycle.

Below is the topic for each webinar session with their corresponding dates. Registration is required for each webinar.

  1. School Improvement Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm): register at this link.
  2. Implementing Your Grant (Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm): register at this link.

Please email questions to or

The Office of School and District Improvement administers the Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement Grant be (TI NC SSI) and School Quality Improvement Grant (SQIG).

Federal Title I, Part A funds are awarded to local educational agencies (LEAs), which are traditional school districts and community schools in Ohio. Under Section 1003 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), state education agencies are required to set aside 7 percent of the Title I award to support schools identified for improvement, known as Priority, Focus or Warning schools in Ohio.  For Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25), these funds are awarded to Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) schools through the Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement Grant.

Title I Non-Competitive, Supplemental School Improvement Grant

Ohio allocates School Improvement funds to LEAs with at least one school identified as CSI or ATSI on an annual basis through a non-competitive formula.

These Title I Non-Competitive, Supplemental School Improvement Grant funds should support evidence-based school improvement strategies that are data driven and aligned with the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) and the school’s improvement plan. The funds should also build the capacity of building staff and the community to address identified needs.

School Quality Improvement Grant

Ohio allocates Title I School Improvement funds to identified schools through a competitive program known as the School Quality Improvement Grant (SQIG).

The School Quality Improvement Grant provides funds to identified schools to implement sustainable, strategic improvement strategies. Activities funded by these grants should be part of a broader continuous improvement plan. 

Archived Materials

Please note that these materials have been archived and are for historical reference only. Please see materials above for current guidance. 

FY24 Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement Documents 

FY23 Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement Documents

Other School Improvement Grant Documents

Last Modified: 12/26/2024 2:05:15 PM