Locations for Ohio's Options for Adult Diploma and Ohio High School Equivalence (Formally GED)
Locations for Ohio's Options for Adult Diploma and Ohio High School Equivalence (Formally GED)
Ohio's adults have several options to obtain a high school diploma or equivalent. Please click on the
icons in the map below or view the high school diploma or equivalent locations spreadsheet to find available programs near you.
Ohio's Adult Diploma Programs
Aspire Adult Readiness Education: Ohio's Aspire programs provide FREE services for individuals who need assistance acquiring the skills to be successful in post-secondary education and training, and employment. Local programs offer classes at flexible locations, and on different days and times to meet diverse needs.
Adult Diploma: The Adult Diploma Program provides free job training and a new pathway for adults, ages 20 or older, to earn a high school diploma AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs.
Adult 22+ High School Diploma Program: The 22+ Adult HSD Program helps adults earn a high school diploma. The program is free to adults who are over 22 years old, living in Ohio and do not have a diploma or a GED.
High School Equivalency Practice Center: The Practice Centers are approved site locations, who provide GED® preparation for potential test takers who are seeking to take and pass the Official GED® test and earn a Certificate of High School Equivalence Diploma. Many of the practice centers are also ABLE centers.
High School Equivalency Testing Center: The Testing Centers are approved site locations, who offer the Official GED® test for test takers who have received approval to test. To schedule an Official High School Equivalency test, log into your account at www.ged.com or HiSET website and go to your dashboard and schedule your test. This link is only utilized to see where the testing centers are located.
Last Modified: 7/17/2024 10:20:58 AM