Cross-State High School Redesign Collaborative
Cross-State High School Redesign Collaborative
More information about the Cross-State High School Collaborative and the Everyone Graduate Center is available
here. For more information about participating in Ohio’s Cross-State High School Collaborative, please contact
Ohio is partnering with the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University, the Council of Chief State School Officers, Civic Enterprises, and six other states (Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Mississippi and New Mexico) to build a high school redesign collaborative that leverages peer-to-peer networking, the latest research in effective school transformation and changes under ESSA to reimagine.
The Cross-State High School Collaborative aligns with the following strategies in Ohio’s strategic plan for education, Each Child, Our Future: Strategy 2 - Supporting School Leaders; Strategy 3 - Improving Targeted Supports; Strategy 7 - Focus on the Whole Child; and Strategy 10 - Multiple paths to success.
Cross-State High School Collaborative Target Areas
The CSHSC is developing a redesign process that includes the following components: 1) needs assessment and community input, 2) evidence-based redesign, 3) a network of participating schools, 4) proven technical assistance providers and capacity builders, and 5) a common set of on-track school success metrics. The Everyone Graduates Center is committed to providing support, tools and expertise throughout the process. More information about the research behind the target areas is available on the Cross State High School Collaborative website.
The Collaborative Will Focus on Four Drivers of Student Outcomes
Organizing Adults
• Teacher teams
• Distributed leadership
• Relationships and trust
• Data-driven decision-making
Teaching and Learning
• Create challenging and caring classrooms
• Use the learning sciences
• Professional learning communities and instructional coaching
• Formative assessments
Students at the Center
• Promote purpose, hope and agency
• School climate built on safety, trust and student voice
• EWS and multi-tiered student responses and community partnerships
• Positive developmental relationships
Postsecondary Pathways
• Universal participation
• Extracurricular and guidance focused on postsecondary options
• Supported postsecondary options
• Family, community, and student voice and choice
Three Ways to Participate in the Redesign Collaborative
Tier 1: Intensive Redesign Cohort*
- Group of 5-10 schools chosen through a selective process;
- Participants commit to meeting two times per year;
- Participate in shared learning with other states;
- Commit to monthly conference calls;
- Participants may include interventions that align with the Everyone Graduates model in school improvement plan;
- Participants will have access to Everyone Graduates resources.
*Please note: The redesign cohort will require a financial commitment for travel and meetings.
Tier 2: Networked Improvement Community
- Participation is open to any school or district leader implementing or interested in implementing redesign school improvement strategies;
- Participants agree to meeting in person several times per year and bimonthly conference calls for peer-to-peer learning;
- All members have access to Everyone Graduates resources.
Tier 3: Learning Partners
- Open to any school or district leader interested in learning more about the school improvement target areas;
- Access to Everyone Graduates resources;
- Requires no formal commitment to participate.
2020 High School Redesign Impact Stories
Canal Winchester High School
Harding High School
Riverview East Academy
Shaw High School
Zanesville High School
Why Participate in a Cross-District and Cross-State Collaborative Effort?
The cross-district and cross-state effort is designed to provide multiple entry points for participating schools. Tiers 1, 2 and 3 all emphasize peer-to-peer learning, evidence-based practice, community engagement and alignment with the Department’s other school improvement initiatives. Each participating school will have:
- A common set of processes and tools to support the redesign process;
- Easy access to the most up-to-date knowledge on what is known about evidence-based strategies for high schools.
- Ability to visit schools in other districts and states facing similar circumstances and learning from about which approaches are and are not working for them;
- Peer-based learning networks;
- Access to technical assistance and implementation support partners to support locally driven high school redesign.
Johns Hopkins University, Ohio Department of Education host learning session on high school redesign and remote learning
On August 6th, 2020 Johns Hopkins University and the Department presented a virtual learning session called
Using Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes: Learnings from the Cross-State High School Redesign Collaborative to Inform Remote Learning Plans. During the session, presenters shared evidence-based practices within the
Everyone Graduates Center’s Four Levers of High School Redesign. These practices may help shape your district’s remote learning plans in a way that will build student and teacher engagement and success.
For example, one of these levers will address
putting students at the center of your restart planning. A positive shift can occur when aligning students’ interests with teachers’ and administrators’ desired outcomes. This section presents what the evidence says about how to produce this change of ideas and practices within schools, as well as how to keep all students on track to school success.
Using Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes: Learnings from the Cross-State High School Redesign Collaborative to Inform Remote Learning Plans
Presentation Slides
Last Modified: 7/23/2024 5:25:00 AM