Corrective Action Plan FAQ

Recognizing the importance of timely data submission, state law (Ohio Revised Code section §3301.0714(L)) specifies that districts that do not submit complete and accurate data in accordance with established deadlines are subject to corrective actions. FAQs provided below offer explanations for the most common questions about the Corrective Action Plan process as it relates to the Data Submission Requirements.


Corrective Action Plan FAQ

Corrective Action Plan FAQ

What is a Corrective Action Plan?

State Law requires districts and community schools to submit complete and accurate data to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce through the Education Management Information System (EMIS) and its subsystems. Reporting complete and accurate data is critical for funding, accountability, and programmatic purposes. According to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) section §3301.0714(L) districts that fail to submit complete and accurate data in accordance with the established deadlines are subject to corrective actions and the possible withholding of a percentage of foundation funds.

In a Corrective Action Plan (CAP), districts and community schools must verify that they have taken appropriate steps to address the cause of misreported data, as well as, steps to ensure the data is not misreported again in the future. 

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Why am I being asked to complete a Corrective Action Plan?
There are several reasons why the Department may require a district or community school to complete a CAP. All EMIS data appeals include a CAP section. If the Department determines that the CAP submitted with a data appeal is not sufficiently completed, an amended CAP will be required. A CAP may also be required due to other data reporting issues as determine by the Department.

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What should a Corrective Action Plan include?

A CAP should demonstrate a clear understanding of why the reporting problem occurred, including the cause of the misreported data. The CAP should detail steps to ensure that the data is not misreported again in the future, such as staff training, policy/plan revision, modification of a current process, or system improvement. Districts and community schools must ensure accountability for the implementation of an improved process or change and monitor the outcome for compliance.

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What happens if I do not submit a CAP by the deadline?

Failure to complete the a CAP by the deadline established by the Department may trigger progressive sanctions.

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Who is responsible for reviewing and approving my CAP?

The Department will review and approve all CAPs. In order to be approved, a CAP must address all questions in a detailed and well thought out manner. Please utilize the published criteria and other resources and ask for assistance, in needed.

If the Department does not approve a CAP, the district or community school will be notified and required to amend the CAP.

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Last Modified: 3/8/2024 1:31:49 PM