Resources for Social Studies

Recordings of Previous Virtual Meetups

Session 101:  ONLINE tools for Learning in your Classroom

Garth Holman, JC Lenk, Beachwood Schools and Travis Armstrong
Dublin City Schools 

copy of presentation slides

This session provided an overview of the four main tools teachers should master to provide engaging content online during remote learning. Topics of discussion will be screen capture soft ware, virtual meeting places, visual teaching tools, and video tools. The session will have resource links to tutorials for all tools mentioned and all will have a "free" option for participants.   

Session 201: Advanced online tools for social studies Learning in your Classroom 

Garth Holman, JC Lenk, Beachwood Schools and Travis Armstrong 
Dublin City Schools 

copy of presentation slides

This session provided an overview and examples of more free products (some have paid options for more services) that take remote learning  up a notch or two.  This session will explore how teachers can build and create engaging projects to excite students and also see how students can build with these tools to create proof of content learning--in non traditional ways.  As with Session 101, tutorials will be provided for all topics addressed, these could, but are not limited to: Peardeck, Thinklink, My Maps, Google Earth Projects, and VR projects. 

Discovering History Through Archaeology: how we know what we think we know about the unwritten past

Dr. Brad Lepper
Senior Curator of Archaeology at the Ohio History Connection

Any educator who teaches about ancient civilizations and the prehistoric past, can learn from Dr. Brad Lepper about how historians know about prehistoric peoples and civilizations. (The first minute is missing.)

Inquiry Based Global Learning in the Social Studies Classroom

Dr. Brad Maguth
Director, H.K. Barker Center for Economic Education
Associate Professor, Social Studies Education

This session focused on inquiry-based global learning in the social studies classroom. Free online tools and resources were shared with participants.

Making the Case for Elementary Social Studies

Professional Resources for Social Studies

Career Connections in Social Studies: Thinking Like A...

(courtesy of the Iowa Department of Education)

Last Modified: 9/18/2024 3:58:16 PM