Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities Modules
Based on the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0
[1], the Modules provide evidence-based practices that can help you move your students toward their postsecondary goals in education/training, competitive integrated employment, by addressing the following questions:
- How do I help my students plan for the future?
- What skills do my students need to meet their postsecondary goals?
- How do I involve agencies and engage families in postsecondary planning?
- What foundational elements are necessary to effectively implement transition services?
The targeted audience for the Modules is school personnel who provide transition services to students with disabilities ages 14 – 21; however, the content is also applicable to school personnel such as, intervention specialists who teach students younger than age 14, related service providers, middle and high school general educators, school counselors, and school administrators.
It is also essential that stakeholders such as families, agency providers, institutions of higher education and students themselves have an opportunity to engage in the Modules. Common understanding promotes integration and collaboration that can help all work smarter together for improved student outcomes.
Please note that use of the Modules is not mandatory for school personnel. Module content is best practice and is not intended to be used for compliance monitoring.
The Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities Modules are accessed from the Learning Management System link within your OH|ID account. Enrollment in the modules requires an Ohio educator license.
Don’t have a license? Don’t worry! Please click here for alternate access.
Individuals coordinating transition may also be interested in obtaining a Transition to Work (TTW) Endorsement. Job Training Coordinators (JTC) are required to hold the TTW Endorsement. Click here to learn more.
[1] Kohler, P.D.,Gothberg, J.E., Fowler, C., and Coyle, J. (2016).
Taxonomy for transition programming 2.0: A model for planning, organizing, and evaluation transition education, services, and programs. Western Michigan University. Available at
Last Modified: 9/20/2019 2:11:44 PM