School-Based Health

Supporting Student Health 

Future Forward Ohio outlines the state’s strategic priorities for helping students overcome educational obstacles, accelerate learning and prepare for future success. Schools and districts can help students overcome obstacles to learning by addressing health barriers that prevent students from engaging. 

Schools and districts can create environments where students are ready to learn by establishing school-based health centers or training adults in the prevention and management of health conditions. They can support student health by implementing policies for medication procurement and administration and by training school staff and students on how to prevent and respond to health emergencies. 

Schools and districts can also support students with chronic health conditions. Learn more by selecting a topic below: 

Below are additional webpages and resources about other health related topics, resources and requirements.  The Ohio Department of Health also offers resources on School Health and School Nursing.  

Medications in Ohio Schools 

Schools may administer medication onsite to support student health, increase seat time and prepare students to learn. Students may need medications for chronic conditions, acute conditions or emergency situations. The Medications in Ohio Schools webpage provides details on medication administration in the school setting.  

The Ohio Department of Health offers resources on Medication Administration Training for School Personnel

Menstrual Products  

Schools and districts are required to provide feminine hygiene (menstrual) products for students in grades six through twelve. The Menstrual Products in Schools webpage provides details on these requirements.  


Ohio law requires schools to review vaccination records for students to assure that the minimum standards have been met. The Department of Health’s Required Vaccines for Child Care and Schools webpage offers details on vaccination requirements for school-age children and teens.

The Public Health Foundation offers Ways Schools Can Support Routine Vaccination Catch-up Among School-Aged Children: A Toolkit for Educational Professionals to assist schools in improving the vaccination rates of their students.

Communicable Disease

The Ohio Department of Health’s Communicable Disease Chart and the Infection Disease Control Manual are available to provide guidance for schools on exclusion from school related to specific communicable diseases. Schools may consult their local health department for further details on Communicable diseases or contact for copies of the chart or for more information.

Hearing and Vision Screening

The Ohio Department of Health provides guidelines and requirements on vision and hearing screening for Ohio schools.

The Ohio Department of Health’s Regional training website offers free hearing and vision screening training for school staff.


The Supporting Students with Concussion webpage provides signs and symptoms of concussion and includes information on Ohio law related to concussions in student athletes.

Indoor Air Quality 

The Indoor Air Quality in Schools webpage provides resources to assist school administrators in improving air quality and improving student health. Improving indoor air quality helps to prevent the spread of disease, reduce asthma triggers like pollutants and irritants and reduces chronic absenteeism.   

Oral Health 

The Supporting Student Oral Health webpage outlines steps districts and schools can take to support oral health. This can include implementing an oral health screening program, dental sealant program or school-based dental clinic.  

School-Based Health Centers

School-based Health Centers provide comprehensive health services in school buildings where students spend significant amounts of time. The School-Based Health Centers webpage shares about  foundations for implementation, partnerships with local medical providers and local and national resources.


Schools and districts may use various funding and partnerships to support school health needs.  Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid or Student Wellness and Success Funds may be used for specific initiatives related to student health. ESSER and ARP Funds may also be used to improve student health. 

The Programs and Services to Help Cover Medical Expenses webpage provides information on financial assistance services for hearing aids, vision exams, eyewear and medication assistance programs available for Ohio’s youth. 

Last Modified: 4/26/2024 2:13:09 PM