How is the FY21 change page different from the FY20 change page?
The FY21 page is one continuous list of changes. Rather than having different sections of changes, more information has been added to the leftmost column. This column now includes
- The change number
- The data set impacted by the change
- The status of the change—Unscheduled or Completed or the Release to which it has been assigned
The changes are ordered by change number, with the largest number at the top of the page and the smallest number at the bottom of the page. See “What do the change numbers mean?” for more information about the format and meaning of change numbers.
In FY20, changes were posted as they were scheduled. For FY21, we are posting changes earlier. Once a change has been submitted to us and we are reasonably certain it will occur during FY21, it is posted. Once the change is scheduled to a release, the information in the leftmost column will change from “Unscheduled” to the release number. Since changes are being posted sooner, many will initially be posted with very little detail. As more details about the changes are determined and communicated to EMIS, the Description—the middle column—will be updated.
The rightmost column is still the reason for the change. “Other” will be a less common change reason in FY21. Instead, you will see more options, such as “Report improvement”, “Update”, or “EMIS Advisory Council Recommendation”.
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What do the change numbers mean?
The change numbers always start with two numbers followed by a dash, and then one, two, or three additional numbers. For example, "xx-xxx".
The first two numbers indicate the year of the change; the numbers after the dash are merely a counter and are set when the change is submitted. So a change number of "20-111" indicates that it is the one hundred and eleventh change submitted in FY20.
If a change is moved from one year to another, it will have a new change number; however, the original number will be maintained. If change "21-999 Collect information about wizarding levels" is pushed back from FY21 to FY22, the number and name would change. It would become, for example, "22-3 Collect information about wizarding levels (21-999)."
In some instances, changes will have multiple parts. This will happen when, for instance, the information about a change will be published in the Manual prior to a collection request being updated or a new report being made available. In these cases, a lowercase letter will be added in parenthesis at the end of the change number—22-3(a) and 22-3(b)—and the descriptions on the webpage will make clear what will be updated/changed for each part.
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What is a scheduled release?
As part of the revised EMIS Change Process, changes will be released as part of regularly scheduled releases. The releases are on Thursdays and occur every other week. Very generally, this means that changes will be "live" as of the day of their release. However, depending on what the change is, you may not actually "see" the change for some time.
For example, if a change is made to a manifest that is not yet open or to a report that is not yet running, you will not see the updates until that manifest opens or that report starts running. So if a change scheduled for May #2 impacts the Initial Staff/Course Collection and the Teacher Licensure Course (TLC) Status report, you will not see those changes until the following October when the Initial Staff/Course Collection opens and the TLC Status report starts running.
Some changes, on the other hand, will be seen immediately. Documentation changes are one example. If the above change also includes a change to the TLC Status report explanation, that update will be posted as of the May #2 release date.
Note that releases are referred to by the month and the number of the release within that month. In October 2019 there were two releases: the first on October 10 and the second on October 24. The former was the Oct #1 release, and the latter was the Oct #2 release.
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My district is changing ITCs. What do I need to do?
Before transitioning to a new ITC, it is important to save all of the following.
- Data stored in the Reports Tab—This includes data from prior collections that have been closed and moved from the archives tab
- Data stored in the Archives Tab—This may be limited to data that has been closed, but not yet moved to the Reports Tab
- Any Flat Files
- Gen Issues Reports
- Level One Reports
- Level Two Reports
Once all of the above have been saved, update OEDS. In OEDS, your district's data acquisition site should be updated to your new ITC. This should be done by your OEDS administrator.
The update in OEDS will cause an update to the REF_DIST_BLDG database. Once this update is approved and processed by the EMIS office, your district's updated reports will begin to appear in the new ITC's data collector. Note that this does not happen instantly. From the time OEDS is updated to the time reports appear at the new ITC may take as much as a week.
Districts can begin to submit data through their new ITC as soon as the ITC has registered the district. However, updated reports will not appear at the new ITC until the above process is completed.
If you need assistance...
- saving the above files/reports, contact your ITC.
- with OEDS, contact the appropriate data custodian.
- determining the OEDS administrator for your district, look up your district in OEDS and find that role.
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