Gifted Performance Indicator


The Gifted Performance Indicator (ORC 3302.02 (A)) (OAC 3301-28-04) ) is a group of three elements in the Gap Closing Component that evaluate the performance of gifted students. The three elements are the Gifted Performance Index, Gifted Progress (Growth), and Gifted Identification and Services. Each element is individually worth a possible 5 points in the Gap Closing Component.

Gifted Performance Index 

The gifted performance index (ORC 3302.02 (A)) measures the performance of students who are gifted on state assessments by creating a performance index score (ORC 3302.01(A)) for these students.

Gifted Progress 

The gifted progress element (ORC 3302.02 (A)) measures the value-added growth (ORC 3302.021) for students who are gifted.

Gifted Identification and Services 

The Gifted Identification and Services element (ORC 3302.02 (A)) measures the percentage of students who are identified as gifted and the percentage of these identified students that received gifted services.  Both measures are disaggregated by traditionally underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students as measured by the representation index defined in the section below.

Technical Documentation and Resources 

Last Modified: 3/29/2024 10:44:51 AM