Approximate time to complete: 60 minutes
Note: This is the second course in the intervention and assessment sequence.
Download the Course Companion document before starting this course. You can use the Companion Document to take notes on your learning, address reflection prompts, and as an easy way to retrieve course resources.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
- Explain the significance of reading intervention for adolescents along with some key approaches to intervening
- Examine their own practice to find areas for improvement
Consider This Scenario
Connection Point
In your Course Companion Document, consider these questions:
- Can you relate to this scenario? In what ways are your challenges in literacy instruction similar or different?
The team of educators at Main Middle School who provide intervention to students who struggle with reading plan for instruction based on student needs. The team receives feedback from classroom teachers and plans to review assessment data, when available, to plan for instruction. However, in practice, each teacher plans instruction for their intervention group based on their own observations and what materials they have access to. Teachers have access to a comprehension intervention program that students can complete on their own and some teachers plan their own small group intervention instruction based on additional or expanded instruction they think is needed based on what they see in their tier 1 instruction. The team wants to meet the needs of each individual learner but they aren’t sure what these interventions should look like or how to support teachers in planning for this instruction.
What Reading Interventions do Students in Middle and High School Need?
This interactive presentation addresses reading intervention for middle and high school students. Click the square button in the presentation to make it full screen.
Matching Students to Interventions with Dr. Joan Sedita
Watch the following video to learn more about quality interventions for students in middle and high school. There is a place in your Course Companion to take notes.
Knowledge Check
Take the following brief quiz to test your knowledge. Click the square button to increase the size of the quiz.
Course Reflection
Let’s revisit our scenario from above. What is different at Main Middle School after adjusting their plans for designing intervention for students?
The team at Main Middle School analyzed 8th grade screening data and identified a group of students who were below benchmark. The team then administered a one-minute oral reading fluency assessment and found some students were reading less than 95% of the passage correctly. A decoding survey was administered and showed the students needed support in reading multisyllabic words with vowel teams. An intervention was selected for these students that focused on teaching syllable types (specifically vowel teams), how to syllabicate longer words, and connecting reading words to passages with multisyllabic words to build fluency. Interventionists also determined the students would benefit from a preview of content focused academic vocabulary every other week to support text reading in science and social studies. Students were then progress monitored every two to three weeks using 1-minute oral reading passages to determine if the intervention was being successful or if a change in instruction would be needed.
Answer the following reflection questions in your Course Companion:
- What instruction and support do students receive in phonics and advanced word study as part of tier one instruction at all grade levels?
- What interventions are offered at your school for phonics/decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension strategies and writing? Who plans and delivers the interventions to students?
- What do you think are the biggest obstacles to providing sufficient literacy intervention instruction in your setting?
To Learn More
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Last Modified: 10/3/2024 2:39:31 PM