Third Grade Reading Guarantee Family Resources

The ability to read is the foundation of learning. Research shows that children who are not reading at a third-grade level by the end of grade 3 are likely to have trouble learning in all classroom subjects in higher grades. 

Resources to Help Your Child

Struggling readers greatly benefit from their families’ involvement and help at home. The following links will give you the information you need about Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee. 

Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP) Intervention Video Series

Outside Intervention or Tutoring Provider

Districts and community schools must make available and pay for intervention or tutoring services if the parents of retained third grade students request them. Because local circumstances and needs vary, each district has authority to select its own service provider. Districts and schools may, but are not required, to use this screening tool to help evaluate potential service providers.

More Resources​

Last Modified: 7/31/2024 7:56:15 AM