Ohio believes that all students deserve to be engaged with high-quality, standards-aligned instruction which includes access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM).
High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) support educators with:
- Standards-aligned instructional content.
- A coherent scope and sequence for grade-level lessons and unit plans.
- Evidence-based instructional strategies and embedded formative assessments that support data-driven instruction.
- Educative materials that provide implementation support for educators to ensure all students’ learning needs are met.
The time a child spends in school is precious and should ensure all aspects of a child’s well-being are addressed, including the physical, social, emotional and intellectual aspects. As part of a focus on increasing student learning, the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce believes in providing support for building leaders and teachers to locally review, select and implement high-quality instructional materials. The Office of Learning and Instructional Strategies is committed to leading this work.
Teachers are among one of the most powerful advocates for our children. The instructional materials teachers choose to expose their students to matters. Now more than ever, teachers deserve great instructional materials, so they can focus on doing what they do best: getting students excited to learn. There is mounting evidence that shows when teachers have high-quality instructional materials, they can focus their time and energy on addressing the individual needs of each student.
Ohio Curriculum Support Guide
The Department partnered with Instruction Partners to develop the Ohio Curriculum Support Guide. Research shows that providing teachers with high-quality instructional materials is an effective strategy for increasing student learning. However, teachers need much more than a box of new materials to ensure great teaching and learning take place. They need support from a team of leaders who know how to select, prepare for and support the use of great materials.
Through this partnership, a five-part webinar series was created to support district leaders and members of school-based teams with curriculum adoption and implementation using the Ohio Curriculum Support Guide.
District Spotlight
Materials Matter in Mt. Healthy City Schools
“The Curriculum Support Guide has forever changed how Mt. Healthy will do curriculum and adopt and implement materials.” – Jana Wolfe, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Mt. Healthy City Schools.
Additional Resources
As a local control state, districts and schools in Ohio make important decisions regarding instructional materials. There are growing efforts to support this decision-making process.
- Ohio Materials Matter:
- Provides expert curriculum reviews through EdReports, which consists of K-12 English Language Arts, Math and Science instructional materials.
- Assists with determining whether instructional materials are aligned to Ohio’s Learning Standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science.
- Developed in partnership with INFOhio and EdReports.
- The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) is a system framework of collaborative team protocols to analyze data, research aligned improvement strategies, implement and monitor strategies, provide feedback to teams and determine effectiveness based on performance and implementation data. Educators will find resources within the Continuous Improvement Toolkit.
- The Learning Management System provides free courses and professional development on important state education initiatives for educators who have active or pending, Ohio, prekindergarten-12, Department-issued licenses or permits and who have fully set-up their OH|ID account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read the
Frequently Asked Questions about High-Quality Instructional Materials for more information. Please contact
OHMaterialsMatter@education.Ohio.gov with additional questions or comments.
Last Modified: 8/28/2024 1:09:12 PM