Career Advising Through an Equity Lens

Keeping an Equity Lens

“As leaders, seeing the capacity of marginalized students and shaping how we advise them in a frame that values their diversity is transformative in advancing systemic processes.” 1 This is a fundamental orientation when striving toward taking policy and transforming it into actionable, locally driven, equitable, student-centered processes.

In fostering a culture of supporting the whole child, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s Office of Graduate Success has partnered with the Office of Educator Effectiveness in utilizing The Advancing Academic Excellence for All: Equity Gap Analysis Tool for districts and schools to assess the state of equity at the school and district level. This equity gap analysis highlights six components  of comprehensive educational equity; and for the purpose of the Career Advising Toolkit the following 4 components will be used:

  • Family & Community Engagement    
  • Student-Centered Learning
  • Culturally Responsive Practice         
  • Equitable Student Access

Through the Equity Gap Analysis Tool, districts and schools will analyze how:

  • Students are receiving individualized supports for success through meaningful partnerships;
  • Schools are fostering culturally responsive practices in teaching environments;
  • Schools and teachers are providing each student with instructional experiences based on student interest, strengths and needs;
  • Schools and teachers are allowing each student to be co-authors and take greater ownership of their learning, and;
  • Schools are providing each student a well-rounded education that prepare them to be successful beyond PK-12 schooling.

The Advancing Academic Excellence for All: Equity Gap Analysis Tool was developed in partnership with Westat, a research company who focuses on improving outcomes in health, education, social policy, and transportation. Westat has done extensive work around equity in education, including the publication of The Educator Equity Resource Tool: A Guide for America’s Schools. Local districts from around Ohio, including Akron City, Chillicothe City, Fairfield City and Hilliard City, contributed to the development process of this Gap Analysis Tool through focus groups and prototyping. Feedback from these districts helped refine the tool and make it accessible to all districts and schools throughout Ohio.


The Aspen Education & Society Program and the Council of Chief State School Officers. 2017. Leading for Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs. Washington, D.C. 


Last Modified: 3/26/2024 6:46:54 PM