Ohio’s Learning Standards for English Language Arts
The Standards describe what students should understand and be able to do. Standards do not dictate curriculum or teaching methods.
Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards
Appendix A contains supplementary material on reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language that helps educators understand the details of each strand. It also includes information describing the parts and importance of text complexity, along with annotated text excerpts that explain how grade-level texts represent these parts of text complexity.
Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks
Appendix B offers a guide for educators reviewing samples of high quality text that meet grade-level standards. Districts and educators should not use this as a reading list; rather, they should use it as a guide to the quality of texts they should choose at each grade level.
Appendix C: Samples of Student Writing
Appendix C offers a guide for educators examining student responses that meets the grade level standards for Writing.
Model Curriculum
The model curriculum provides clarity to the standards, the foundation for aligned assessments, and guidelines to assist educators in implementing the standards. It also provides instructional strategies and resources.
- Model Curriculum
- Reading Literature - pp. 1-7
- Reading Informational - pp. 11-16
- Writing - pp. 20-21, 23-27
- Language - pp. 34-40
Practice Tests
Students may log in as a guest to access any of the practice tests. Half-length practice tests are available for each of the high school end of course exams in English language arts. Practice test items allow students to become familiar with the online test environment by showcasing the different item types, features, and functionality available to students during online testing.
Writing Rubrics
Two writing rubrics are available for grades 6 through high school: informative/explanatory and argumentation. Each rubric describes the score point characteristics across three domains. Text in red in these documents denotes changes that will apply beginning with the spring 2017 administration.
Test Blueprint
Test blueprints serve as a guide for test construction and provide an outline of the content and skills to be measured on the test. They contain information about individual tests, including the number of test items and the number of points on the test, and they show how the learning standards are grouped in order to report the test results
The test blueprint for ELA I and II is grouped together; the same standards will be assessed at both levels, but the complexity and the texts will be higher on the ELA II assessment.
Performance Level Descriptors
The Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) are the link between Ohio’s Learning Standards and performance standards. They were developed by Ohio educators and other content experts to illustrate the typical demonstration of the learning for each of the five performance levels: Limited, Basic, Proficient, Accelerated, and Advanced. Teachers can review the PLDs for each course to match each descriptive statement with its course standards. Teachers can then review local curriculum materials to see if students have opportunities to demonstrate deeper conceptual
Additional Resources
Below are other states with released online test items aligned to standards similar to Ohio’s Learning Standards for English language arts. With the exception of PARCC, all these states use the vendor AIR. Teachers can use these tests for additional practice with the standards and for students to become familiar with the online test environment by showcasing the different item types, features, and functionality available to students during online testing. Since educators outside of Ohio approved these released test items, the items may not reflect the level of depth, conceptual understanding, or rigor of Ohio’s State Tests.
Last Modified: 4/19/2024 10:53:20 AM