Biology investigates the composition, diversity, complexity and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Fundamental concepts of heredity and evolution provide a framework through inquiry-based instruction to explore the living world, the physical environment and the interactions within and between them.
Ohio's Learning Standards FOR BIOLOGY and Model Curriculum
The Biology Learning Standards and Model Curriculum describe what students should understand and be able to do. Standards do not dictate curriculum or teaching methods. The model curriculum provides clarity to the standards, the foundation for aligned assessments, and guidelines to assist educators in implementing the standards. The model curriculum also provides instructional strategies and resources.
Practice Test AND Released ITems
- The Ohio State Assessment Portal provides released Biology test items in the electronic format. Students may log in as a guest to access any of the practice tests. Practice test items allow students to become familiar with the online test environment by showcasing the different item types, features, and functionality available to students during online testing.
- A Biology Practice Test Scoring Guide provides answer keys and scoring guides for this test. Teachers can review released test items to determine the level of scientific reasoning needed for success. This analysis can help teachers examine their local curriculum to see if their instruction is providing students enough opportunities to take their scientific understanding to a deeper level.
These documents provide the answer keys and scoring guides for the spring 2021 administration of the Biology End-of-Course Assessment Test. Teachers can review released test items to determine the level of scientific reasoning needed for success. This analysis can help teachers examine their local curriculum to see if their instruction is providing students enough opportunities to take their scientific understanding to a deeper level.
The test blueprint for Biology is embedded in the Biology Test Specifications for the exam. It identifies the range and distribution of items and points, grouped into various categories. The specifications also provide specific guidelines for the development of all items used for the Biology test. This document is intended to be a resource not only for item writers and test designers, but for Ohio educators and other stakeholders who are interested in a deeper understanding of the test. The Biology blueprint organizes the content statements into the four major topics with a reporting category point range for each.
Additional Resources
- Science Curriculum Resource Page - The Ohio Department of Education Office of Learning and Instructional Strategies has many resources on science curriculum on their Science Resource Page. These resources include instructional resources, curriculum planning resources and professional development resources.
- Next Generation Science Standards - Ohio is preparing students for a local, national and global stage. Resources from other states, such as the Next Generation Science Standards, are helpful to explore content in a variety of ways.
Last Modified: 7/31/2024 11:49:36 AM