Industry-Recognized Credentials
In high school, students should see the relevance of their learning, be exposed to practical, real-world work settings and begin defining their futures. Career-focused learning can inspire students to identify their paths to future success.
Additional information can be found within the Industry-Recognized Credentials Guide.
What’s in it for students?
The process of earning an industry-recognized credential allows students to experience education through work, about work and for work. Students learn more deeply by practicing and applying their knowledge through work and employment experiences – learning through work. They learn about workplace expectations in terms of professional skills needed for employment, as well as learning about career pathways and what the labor market for particular occupations looks like – learning about work. They also learn job-specific skills they will need to perform day-to-day tasks – learning for work.
What’s in it for schools?
Connecting students to opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials puts them on a pathway to success after high school. Preparing students for their best possible future is the greatest goal of schools, and credentials can help achieve this.
Schools also receive credit in the Prepared for Success measure on the report card for students who earn 12 points of approved industry-recognized credentials or groups of credentials from the Department's list. Schools further benefit and contribute to Ohio’s shared goal by setting their students up for a transition beyond high school and into the workforce. Industry-recognized credentials are an innovative approach to truly recognize and account for a student’s hard work in becoming career-ready and prepared for their best possible future.
Teachers can also upskill through Ohio's TechCred program.
Reimbursement for Schools
FY24 Reimbursements
Credentials reported to EMIS for the first time as being successfully earned in a reporting year will receive
reimbursement in early summer of the following year. Reimbursements will be made based on credentials earned by any student and will be paid to schools who indicate that they have paid for the credentials earned. If the allocated amount ($5,500,000) is exceeded, reimbursements will be prorated.
What’s in it for businesses and communities?
Finding, hiring and retaining high-quality employees is a monumental task. Industry-recognized credentials help employers validate the knowledge and skills of potential employees and saves valuable time in assessing the competency of job applicants. Industry partners play an integral role in how the list is formed and validated to ensure that students are earning credentials that Ohio's industries value.
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Last Modified: 1/9/2025 12:19:53 PM